SDR Radioberry V2.0 for Raspberry Pi 4/4B: Analog Devices AD9866 & 10CL025 12-bit Broadband Modem
Category: neego raspberry pi 4

About this item
- The radioberry is actual a radio card (raspberry pi 4 hat) installed with the latest hardware V.Beta5, which can be plugged into a raspberry pi 4, forming a Software Defined Radio (SDR). RPI4 is the target for running the radioberry. For more DETAILED information look into: github .com/pa3gsb/Radioberry-2.x/wiki#radioberry
- The RadioBerry is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) transceiver designed to be used as a Raspberry Pi hat. It uses the same AD9866 chip as the Hermes Lite 2 SDR which gives it a 12-bit ADC with one RX and one TX channel, a maximum bandwidth of up to 384 kHz, and an operating frequency range of 0 to 30 MHz. The max output power is 20 milliwatt. This makes it suitable as a transceiver for amateur radio applications within the HF spectrum
- The radioberry radio consist of 2 base module: Raspberry pi (RPI-4), Radioberry card (raspberry hat). Power supply for the radio card is provided by the raspberry pi 4. To control filter boards or other extended hardware there is IN-OUTPUT available. Driver for radioberry: groups .google .com/g/radioberry/c/Mf2VZZU6ltA, download and refresh to card
- The radio card uses an Intell Cyclone 10LP FPGA, supporting the 10CL25.The firmware will be loaded via the raspberry pi. If you need a software to make it work, here's a software for your reference: drive.google.com/drive/folders/107P8LtLrib3iiQJd-Ooc6LsHVtl1SYay?usp=sharing
- It has active community support and open-source software development. For enthusiasts and hobbyists, integrating SDRs with a Raspberry Pi can open up a world of possibilities—from tracking aircraft positions to receiving satellite signals and everything in between
- [Note] The input/output connectors of radioberry may not be straightened out, which might be damaged during the long-time shipment, therfore if you find the connectors difficult to fix please tell us, we will help you resolve it together